Our Programs



Our mentorship program empowers youth to make positive choices. Mentors empower youth to consider outcomes and repercussions by helping them in the decision making process. A mentor encourages youth to take ownership in their learning. The goal is for young people to become their own best coach whether on the course, at school, at home or in life. Setting attainable goals, overcoming challenges, learning techniques to manage thoughts and emotions – these are skills youth need to learn and apply to all aspects of life. A mentor helps young people develop core values: honesty, integrity, sportsmanship, respect, confidence, responsibility, perseverance, courtesy and judgment. A mentor strengthens interpersonal skills and peer relationships. Mentors can model and encourage youth to appreciate diversity and show respect to oneself, friend, playing partners and fellow competitors.


Global citizenship

Global Citizenship is an integral part of modern society. Our program fosters community leaders using the following approaches:

  • cultivate civic responsibility and awareness so that students become active and informed

  • participants of a democratic society. expose students to the diversity of multiple perspectives and foster the historical thinking skills necessary to develop our understanding of the past.

  • nurture inquiry and critical thinking that immerse students in the investigation of enduring themes in their study of humanity, people, and events that have shaped our world.

  • Participants will be exposed to foreign language as part of our cultural diversity initiative.

    Rocket Japanese will be our mainstay language among others.


Sports and Nutrition

Why is Sports Nutrition Important?

Elite athletes, bodybuilders, cyclists, surfers, passionate marathon-runners, avid gym-goers and those participating in team sport. What do all these people have in common? While their chosen form of training might seem quite varied, the truth is that anyone who regularly exercises or competes in any form of sport can benefit greatly from sports nutrition. Anyone who seeks to improve their athletic performance in any capacity, whether they are only beginning to become more active or are a professional in their field, will benefit from fine- tuning their nutrition strategy to better suit their  specific goals and training program.

What is Sports Nutrition?

Most of us know that our diet plays a huge role in how we feel and how well our body functions throughout our day to day life. Athletes, however, have vastly different nutritional needs to the general population due to their active lifestyle and performance goals. For this reason, many athletes have personalized meal plans to help them optimize performance. We would like participants in the H.O.U.S.E. Sports and Nutrition Program to also learn about personalized meal plans designed to help them maximize their athletic potential as well as maintain a healthy lifestyle. Sports nutrition is a specialized area that primarily focuses on improving someone’s athletic performance. Apart from enhancing sporting performance, H.O.U.S.E. Sports and Nutrition specialists will also work with participants to assist with reaching specific fitness and body composition goals.

We will be using the Wave Sport Nutrition program to meet these goals.



Entrepreneurship teaches valuable skills. Entrepreneurship teaches kids about planning, financial responsibility, supply and demand, the importance of relationships, and how to moderate risks. Youth entrepreneurship has been proven to improve academic performance, school attendance, interpersonal skills, job readiness, problem solving skills, and decision-making abilities. Youth entrepreneurship is a safe place to experiment. Many young students turn their ideas into successful businesses. Other young entrepreneurs have made their marks on the Internet, creating new websites, photo sharing tools, apps, and more. Young people can be successful business owners, creating jobs, adding wealth to their community, and gaining hands-on learning that could turn them into a high-powered serial entrepreneur in the future. Entrepreneurship is a way for young people to take greater control of their lives and economic futures. In a world where nothing is certain, giving young people real tools to build their own future is inspiring.

We will be using Venturelab as a tool for our entrepreneurship program.