
About Us


Our Mission

Our mission is to keep the youth safe after school as we engage them in a unique curriculum with enriched activities.  We are committed to developing every youth into future leaders through a STEAM enhanced mentorship program which targets their interest while sparking creativity. These rich learning experiences will prepare them for college and career readiness as we strengthen their character and self-esteem to be 21st century leaders.


Our Vision

Our Vision is to work with a diversified population of youth throughout the city by offering a safe haven and life skills needed to succeed in today’s society. All students will benefit by having rich experiences and a mentor that will follow them through the program to ensure success to all participants. Students will be able to develop their talents and strengths in a supportive and positive environment.


Equity + Access = Success

In underserved communities youth with potential often lag behind their counterparts due to a lack of necessary resources needed to compete in the 21st Century. Therefore, equity and access is needed if our youth are to become successful leaders in their communities and the future. Our youth is our most important resource that we can invest in.